Create your own Online Store & Sell your Products to India's Biggest Corporates


Join a marketplace where nearly 50 million buyers around
the world shop for unique items

No Registration Fee

List your products for free of cost on Elecorp. Be a part of our suppliers community.

Free Advertising

Get a chance to showcase your products across a pool of corporates without spending a penny on advertisement.

Support 24/7

User friendly tools and services make it easy to manage, promote and grow your business. Experts available to provide dedicated support.


Get started selling on Elecorp in just 4 simple steps


Register And List Your Products

  • Register your business for free and create a product catalogue. Get free training on how to run your online business
  • Our Elecorp Advisors will help you at every step and fully assist you in taking your business online


Accept Orders and Send Samples

  • Provide product information to the client's they may be looking for on your dashboard.
  • Send a sample across and introduce your product.


Order Approval and Production

  • Commencement of production after the (PO) Purchase Order generation and sample approval.


Ship and Get Paid

  • Ship the consignment on or before the due date, through Elecorp's logistic partners.
  • The vendor will receive the payment after the product delivery.


Start Selling on Elecorp Today!

It doesn’t cost anything to list your products on Elecorp
Listing Fee
of Sale Value

Make your business grow with India's biggest Corporate Gifting Platform

  • Make your products reach thousands of Corporates.
  • 1000+ suppliers are growing in pace with us.
  • Seller protection and customer support to help you sell your stuff.


What Sellers have to say about their success on Elecorp

Our Cients

Google Logo | Best Corporate Gifts | corporate diwali gifts
Volvo Logo | corporate diwali gifts | corporate gift items
CoHo Logo | corporate gift items | corporate gift vendors
Awfi Logo | corporate gifting companies | Corporate Gifts
Wework logo | Corporate Gifts | corporate gifts for employees


Here are some common questions about selling on Elecorp

What is Elecorp?

Elecorp is a B2B focused marketplace and a managed service platform for custom and custom corporate gifting products.

How does selling on Elecorp works?

Selling on Elecorp is a user-friendly DIY process consist of a few simple steps.
– Vendor registration
– Product listing
– Receive bulk product inquiry
– Sample approval
– Purchase Order Generation
– Production
– Product Delivery
– Payment

What do I need to register on BaseCaMart as a vendor/seller?

You will need the following information to register as a vendor/seller on Elecorp
– Your business details
– Your contact details – email and phone number
– Basic information about your business

I don’t have a website, can I still sell on Elecorp?

No website is required to start selling on marketplace.

What are the charges to sell on Elecorp?

Elecorp charges 10-30% of total order value depending upon the product category. There are no registration or listing fee on

When will I get my payment?

Once the consignment is delivered, corporates make the payment as per their payment policy.

How do I manage orders in Elecorp?

You can view your orders and manage them through “Dashboard” after logging in Elecorp through your vendor credentials.

Can I speak to someone who can help me sell on Elecorp?

If you are not currently selling on Elecorp and want to learn more, you can call us on +91-95603 74571 or email us at [email protected]. An advisor from Elecorp will be happy to help you in the onboarding process. After enrollment, you will have 24/7 support from our team.

What can I do if a product category under which I want to add my product is not available?

If you think you have a product which lists under a category which is not available, do not worry, reach out to our 24/7 Vendor Support. You can also call us at +91-9560374571 or send an email to [email protected].

Still have more questions? Feel free to contact us.

It's time to start making money.

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